Monday, April 21, 2008

Guess Where I Will Be Tonight?

I can't wait for Kanye!!!  I will update tomorrow on my weekend and the concert.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just Call Me Martha.....

I just haven't been able to kick this crafty mood, so I decided to attempt another sewing project. I found a pretty easy pattern for an apron on Better Homes & Gardens and thought I would give it a try. I went down to JoAnn's and picked out some pretty fabrics and got to work. Once I started, I realized I didn't really know HOW to follow a pattern, which makes for a pretty interesting sewing project.......

After awhile, I started to get the hang of it and was on my way to making a fabulous apron. Below is the first real picture of progress.

I took my time and had friends to keep me company along the way. (Huckleberry was a little less enthusiastic about my project.)

A few hours later, I had a beautiful apron that I will probably never where in the kitchen because it's just too pretty.
The pocket looks crooked in this picture, but it isn't when you actually have the apron on. I enjoyed my project and am already on to the next.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


For those of you that don't know, I took my first CSET Exam in world history back in March.  Well, the results are in and (drum roll please)...............I PASSED!!!  I had studied for about two days total due to finals we had going on at the same time and the night before the test I ran through a practice test ending with a horrible score of 4 out of 13 correct!!  Going into the test... lets just say I was not very confident.  The test was horrible.  Anything that I had kinda breezed over when studying was on that stinkin' test.  Leaving the test room I was sure that I had failed and told everyone that I did horrible, but then I got an email today saying that I had passed!  I couldn't believe it and I almost still don't believe it!  I really think that a blind man graded mine because after that dreadful test I was absolutely sure that I had failed. Now that I have passed world history I am on to the next tests, American History and economics.  Wish me luck!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Crafty, Crafty

I guess lately I have been in a Martha Stewart crafty mood and was looking for something to work on.  Well, I thought I'd try my hand at sewing.  I borrowed my gram's machine and got started.  I wanted to start with something very easy, so I thought I would recover some throw pillows.  I found some material for a dollar a yard at JoAnn's and got started.

I was able to finish in about an hour and I think they turned out great!  I haven't sewed them closed yet, but I will try and do it soon.  Next, I think I will try to make an apron or something!

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Day with Uncle Dan & Gram

Today I spent the day with Gram and Uncle Dan.  We had lunch at Cameron's Seafood in Pasadena and it was wonderful.  I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves seafood!  After, we stopped by Uncle Dan's to pick up some fruit and flowers.  He has a wonderful house that he and Uncle Gary basically remodeled from the floor up.  I am mainly posting these picks for mom, but I am sure anyone who loves home decor will appreciate them.

Gram and I made off with amazing avocados and beautiful lilacs courtesy of Uncle Dan.  For those of you wondering how he picked these avocados, he used an avocado picker!  Who knew!?

We had a great time and I am definitely looking forward to doing it again some time soon!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More Andrew.......

Introducing Andrew Scott Gardner!


An hour after I wrote my last post I received the call that Kendee's water broke!  Like I mentioned before, I had been waiting and waiting for this call to finally come!  It was extremely exciting!  I threw something on and headed to Matt and Kendee's to wait out the majority of the labor with Anna and Kristi.  We hung out, talked, and had a couple of glasses of wine while waiting for the call that she was getting close.  At around 4 am she was at about 4 cm., so we figured we try and get a couple of hours of sleep.  At about 6:30 we got ready and made it to the hospital around 8 am.  We stopped in and visited with Matt and Kendee until she was ready to deliver at about 9 am.  Fifty-five minutes later Andrew Scott Gardner was born weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs. 13 ozs. and 20 inches long.  He is absolutely perfect!  He looks exactly like his daddy and he has a beautiful full head of hair!  Mommy and daddy are doing great and are thrilled with their new baby boy!  I took several pictures.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Baby Season!

I'm only three posts in and I already feel like I am stuck on a topic, babies.  Oh well!  On Sunday, Nate and I attended Avi and Marjan's baby shower(Nate's friends from USC).  They are both persian, which made the shower very interesting.  There was a lot of people, a lot of food, and a lot of dancing!  We had so much fun and we walked away with a beautiful centerpiece and I won a tea set for best decorated bib! 

In other baby news, Kendee is due any minute and everyone can't wait!  Andrew Scott needs to get here already!  I have been on call for the last week and every time my phone rings I am hoping it is her telling me she is in labor, but that has yet to happen!  For her sake, I am hoping it comes sooner rather than later!  That stork needs to hurry up!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

"Look Ma, I'm Already on My Second Post" Post!

Right now I actually have stuff to blog about, how great!  First, I think I will start with SHAY DAY!  Last Thursday I watched my cousin Shay and we had so much fun!  My mom and I took her to Chuck E. Cheese and she went on a couple of rides (they no longer have the ball pits) and ran around.......

For the most part she had a great time with one exception.  We put her on one ride and she didn't seem too impressed......

She just sat there and stared like that the whole time. I think the circular motion put her in a trance or something.   Anyways, we took her home and I got the other great pics below.

Overall, we had a fun day and I am looking forward to my next Shay Day!

Hola Blogging World!

I, like many other before me, have decided to embark on my own blogging journey.  I am still not sure that I will have an adequate amount of blogging material, but I will do my best.  I invite those of you that are bored enough to step on and enjoy the ride with me! (You can always get off if you want to!)     Cheers!